PRP Injections

PRP, which stands for Platelet Rich Plasma, is an increasingly popular, non-invasive way to treat chronic joint pain. Piedmont Orthopaedic Complex now offers PRP therapy as another alternative for patients interested in non-surgical options for relief. PRP can be used as a standalone treatment or as an intra/post operative tool to enhance healing.

What is it?

PRP is a natural form of healing in which platelet-rich plasma is injected into the affected area to heal and improve function. Platelets, which are found in blood, contain growth factors that help your body heal injuries.  When a patient receives a PRP injection, a high concentration of platelets are released into a single area releasing growth factors that produce a cascade of events: predominantly cell recruitment and maturation of stem cells. The growth factors released by platelets create a chemical reaction that leads to a process of healing. Essentially, it is a means of drawing attention to an area and forcing the body to fix it by stimulating its own natural healing processes.


  • Tendons
  • Ligaments
  • Joints
  • Plantar fascia for use of chronic inflammation and pain to strains
  • Tears and arthritis

Benefits of PRP:

  • Natural healing
  • No synthetics
  • No side effects
  • Minimal down time
  • Can get multiple injections
  • Safe and readily available

What is the process?

15-30 ml of a candidate’s blood is drawn via venipuncture in the office and is then spun down in a centrifuge to obtain a volume of plasma rich with platelets. This is then injected into the musculoskeletal area of pathology in the office using sterile technique. From start to finish it takes about 20-30 minutes from time of venipuncture to injection completion.

Are there common Complications?

The risk of complication is minimal. There is initial pain due to induced inflammatory response that subsides after a few days. Improved results typically takes several weeks. There is a risk of infection by performing the injection, though great care is taken in preparation and administration to ensure this does not occur.


Schedule a consult with one of Piedmont's orthopaedic specialists to learn more about your options and see if you are a candidate for PRP therapy. Click here or give us a call at 478.474.2114 to get started.