Shoulder, Elbow, Hands and Wrists


William Barnes, MD

Dan Grahl, MD

Jared Hudspeth, MD

Piedmont also employs a team of Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners and other medical providers experienced in treating orthopaedic injuries.

Common Conditions

If pain is interfering with your ability to live your life, we encourage you get a professional evaluation from a specialist. In many cases, earlier treatment can prevent further damage and allow for more conservative and cost-effective treatment options. The physicians at Piedmont are skilled at treating everything from athletic or acute orthopedic injuries, such as a fracture or muscle tear, to the more chronic issues like osteoarthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome. 
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Treatment options at Piedmont range from non surgical options like physical therapy to minimally invasive surgical procedures. Your physician will work with you to develop the smartest recovery plan based on two factors: your condition and your preferences. Your lifestyle and goals play a big part in your recovery, so Piedmont offers a variety of options to best suit each patient. If a carpal tunnel release is in your future, Dr. Barnes is one of the few surgeons in the area offering an endoscopic carpal tunnel release, which is less painful and a shorter recovery period.
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